
25 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Sounds like a dream kinda thing...a nightmare, a slow one, while the dreamer realizes it's all fake, but their body is not thinking the same thing. As they walk through a dark tunnel, twoards the light, they feel as if a weight has been lifted from their whole body, and as they emerge into the light, they find a winter wonderland. Not like Northpole kiddy style, more of a great and beautiful kingdom. Asn as they walk through the snow, their body dies, and they leave it behind, for the world beyond dreams...

Meh, Kinda depressing, but hopeful at the same time... Nice tune BTW. Kepp up the good work!

Nijsse responds:

Thanks for the great story. I really enjoy hearing what people think and feel when they listen to my music.

Ah! memories~

I don't think synths do this song justice, but i Give you a 9/10 for using this song in the first place! I love it, i used to play thins song in Orchestra in middle School! (i graduated this year so that's like four years ago..) ^^ Maybe an orchistrated version could be made? I'd really appreciate it even if you only tried...

Special-Ed responds:

I dont know, I've never been very good with "realistic sounds", but I might try.

+*. Special Ed .*+


My only problem was the pausing where the track repeated itself, or began a new strain of music...It was kinda irritating, but that's me. Overall wonderful work!!

randomheckler responds:

yeah i gotta fix that one. i want to add more to it but i have been jus too lazy to do it.

It's Decent

Not a fave in my book, the bass coulda' been better, deeper in fact. The beat could've also used a little more variation too, it's the same thing OVER and OVER AGAIN! And like those before have said, a little more distortion would've brought out more "charecter" in this song. Otherwise this is just another Generic Hip hop beat. I'm sick of hearing Generic, It's like perscriptions, they work for some people, but for others it makes 'em sick.

Hyperion666 responds:

ROFL love that review i got ur point listen to my new stuff id love to hear your review of them this crap was ameteur stuff hahaha i get a kick out of it now days its cool hearing my old stuff shows me in plain view of how much i understand the program now. but yeh checkem out. peace n love.

P.S. new stuff is a lot stronger fuck da generic i welcome u to the source :)


so smooth at first....then it speeds up, like erupting fom the outer gates of a town, and taking a stroll down the marketplace, all the curious things you may find! X3 Keep up the awsome work!

Fadious responds:

Great to see your imagination blooming by the song :]

Thnx 4 the support.


this is really origional! I like how it progresses, and the singer fit in perfectly! Very nice! I hope to hear more!

argann-the-frr responds:

Thank !

*sits intently listening*

Okay, this is a really cool peice.The guitar has an echo that makes it more...misterious...Though with the two guitars competing for dominece many people would hear it as no more than a jumble of Notes..but when you close your eyes and just LISTEN....that's a whole different story...

5/5 10/10 downloaded and faved.

Very nice work~ Keep it up!!

Boux responds:

Hey thanks much! If you want some eye closing and listen songs, i think you could like my 'Freefall to Europa' and 'Inside Mount Olympus' songs, not advertising them or anything but simply for the purpose of you enjoying it.


This was beautiful! I would so very much like to create a remix for this, but i have no program for it...It makes me wanna sing too!! So for now i'll only Fave, Rate and Download this! If i ever manage to get a good program, I'll link you to it...if that's alright?


Adam-Beilgard responds:

Remixing would be fine, that's what this portal is for! Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it!


Holy Mother of God....I'm sitting in the dark...after a long day...in a small desert town....*shivers* This is THE CREEPIEST SONG I HAVE EVER HEARD......*shivers again, then turns on the light*
5/5 10/10 and Faved!

This S*** will give you nightmares! (snd it to game developers and ask if it's usable, i bet they would eat it up!!)

JakesFable responds:

Lol hell yeah, Thanks alot for the review ;)

Twitch Streamer, Sometime Audiophile, Aspiring Artist & Fulltime Student Slacker.




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